XM Radio Bootcamp 3

Thursday, November 18, 2004


When I first got XM (almost two years ago), I used to listen to XMU a lot. Then the songs started to jump around too much - a Squizz-like song followed by a RAW-like song followed by a mainstream alternative song (is that an oxymoron?) - so I stopped listening. However if my listening tonight is any indication, then I'll be listening to XMU more in the future. The songs seemed to flow much better than I remembered.

XMU, new music, XM 43
My previous experience with channel: I used to listen to it frequently (it's still a pre-set), but got away from it for some reason.

Heard on XMU:
"Can't Stop Now", Keane; "21st Century Rip", The Soundtrack O; "Strangely Drawn", Echobelly; "Super Powers", the Dismembermen; "C'mere", Interpol; "You Are My Bird", the Lovethugs; "The Valleys of N", The Veils; "Music Makes the", the Incredible M; "We're Not Gonna", Longwave; "Imagine", Blend Crafters; "Closet (Look Out)", Matt Pond PA; "C.M.E.M.", Service Group; "Vonal Declosion", Stereolab; "Mummy", Poor Rich Ones; "A to B", the Futureheads; "Marvelous Error", the Faraway Place; "No Damage Noctur", Q and Not U.

Time spent listening: about an hour.

Tomorrow: Suite 62, urban adult, XM 62


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