XM Radio Bootcamp 3

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


"All God's children get the blues."

Bluesville (Exit 74 on the XM Highway) is a weekend standard for me. Friday afternoon is the request show, Saturday night is the hard blues show and Sunday morning is the acoustic show. I don't listen to all three shows every weekend but I usually listen to at least one of them (usually the Sunday morning show).

Bluesville plays all shades of the blues: old, new, Mississippi delta and Chicago. Just about every form of popular music today can trace part of it's roots back to the blues. So whether you like rock, jazz, soul, country or rhythm & blues you should check out Bluesville; you'll probably like what you hear.

Bluesville, blues, XM 74
My previous experience with channel: it's been a preset since I got XM in January 2003.

Heard on Bluesville:
"I'm In the Mood", John Lee Hooker; "At Last", Etta James; "Blame It on the Devil", Frank Morey; "Suffering with the Blues", Tad Robinson; "Trouble Blues", Charles Brown; "Right Time", Nappy Brown; "Bye Bye Baby", Lil' Buck Sinega; "Keep On Loving Me", Otis Rush; "Take My Chances", David Jacobs-Str; "Tom Rushen Blues", Alvin Youngblood; "Lovin' My Baby", Eric Bibb; "He's a Jelly Roll", Lonnie Johnson; "Ninety Nine", Bobby Rush; "Ain't That Cold", Joe Louis Walker; "Mystery Train", Parker/cotton/ha; "I Just Want to Make Love", Muddy Waters; "Drinking Gourd", Bill Sheffield; "Wasn't that Enough", Janiva Magness; "I Cover the Water", John Lee Hooker; "I Saw It Coming", Smokin' Joe Kube; "Dog Days of August", Cephas/ Wiggins; "Such A Much", Dr. John/Nelson.

Time spent listening: 1 to 2 hours

Tomorrow: Aguila, Regional Mexican, XM 92